Let's Swatch This: Duri Cosmetics Atlantis Collection

Let's Swatch This!

Two blog posts in one month?! Who am I?? Haha well as you can tell my the title of this post I'll be sharing some more swatches with you guys. This time it is Duri Cosmetics, which I had the pleasure to work with in the past. You can see those swatches on my Instagram. 

This time they sent over their newest collection called Atlantis. It includes 6 polishes, all with a metallic silver finish.  It is a limited edition so get them before they are gone!

Up first we have "Shimmer Reef" a gorgeous pink metallic that I fell in love with. Which, like I mentioned in my last post that I was never the biggest fan of wearing pink polish but this is just too pretty to not love. I'm wearing two coats plus top coat here. I will mentioned that while swatching these they dried so fast! I don't think I needed the top coat either but I always add it to make my manicure last longer. 

Next is "Ocean Wave" I was excited to wear this one! It is a light teal color that I just can't get enough of 😍 I am wearing two coats plus top coat here.

Then is "Dip My Toes" this one did take three coats and even then I can still notice some slight patches here and there. This is the only polish in the whole collection that does not have a metallic or sliver finish, it is more of an off white pearl finish. Still very pretty!

Following that is "Cyber Sea" a shimmery light lavender/lilac color. I feel like this shade is perfect if you like a little bit of color with just a bit of added glam. Don't you agree?

After that one is probably my favorite out of the whole collection and that is "Wave Runner" a gorgeous light blue metallic with silver. I mean, come on, just look at it! How can you not fall in love with it?! I'm wearing two coats plus top coat here. You'll be catching me wear this baby again!

And finally the last one is "Dolphin Dance" a silver-grey polish that I think would make a perfect winter color. Maybe for New Years Eve? What do you think? 

Let me know in the comments witch one was your favorite and if you are planning on picking any of these up!


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